Thrift stores all over the city have bales of encyclopedias, old dictionaries and cast off bibles. Romance novels, detective novels, science fiction, nature non fiction, travelogues, biographies, professional handbooks, works of theology, and law books all sit cheek by jowel gathering dust, cast offs from some use me once toss me aside kind of ink and fiber economy.

Even hardback books published just last year are offered for a dollar. Students are losing their ability and desire to read books. Young professors claim that all the world's knowledge is swimming in the air around us in this Wifi enabled environment and refuse to pay for new text books. Aging print addicts moan that the world is changing, that we are losing 500 years of culture.
A world is coming to an end.
A new world is being born.
Wikopedia writes; "Dettmer's early art work incorporated codes and language, such as paintings based on braille, Morse Code, and American Sign Language. He then began to make work by repeatedly pasting newspapers and book pages to canvas and tearing off pieces, leaving behind layered fragments. In 2000, Dettmer began to experiment by gluing and cutting into books."

"When an object's intended function is fleeting, the necessity for a new approach to its form and content arises. A large body of Dettmer's current work is created by altering books. Dettmer seals, then cuts into older dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, science and engineering books, art books, medical guides, history books, atlases, comic books, wallpaper sample books, and others, exposing select images and text to create intricate three-dimensional derivative works that reveal new or alternative interpretations of the books."

"Dettmer never inserts or moves any of the books' contents. An early example of Dettmer's unique altered books is his 2003 work, New International Dictionary which is an original 1947 unabridged dictionary sealed and carved by Dettmer to expose images within the dictionary. In more recent work, Dettmer has augmented his artistic process by folding, bending, or rolling one or more books before sealing and cutting them or, in some instances, sanding them."

It is like the stories we hear about Ruskin who took scissors to his copies of William Blake's prophetic books to create greeting cards from the pretty pictures, leaving the "obscurant" text on the floor, mutilating treasures we now regret are lost.

So the book is being reduced, expanded, transformed, made into wall art, into yet another look pretty. Better a meditation on books and their cultural value to us, I suppose, than pulping them and turning them into toilet paper.
Here is a video of a Detimer exhibition which in some odd way feels more like a wake than an art exhibition.
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